Trip to korea (Part 2: POSTECH)

The first destination for the trip to Korea was POSTECH to visit my former PhD supervisor (Hyun-Woo Lee) and his group. I gave two talks in seminars, one in each day. The first talk was for general audience to introduce what orbitronics is, what are scientifically important questions, and how we are trying to solve them. The half of audience was PhD students and postdocs of the group, and the rest were non-experts who just came out of cuiosity. So, as usual, I tried my best to explain key ideas in a plain language without using jargons. Some of the questions, especially on how the orbitally polarized electrons interact with bosonic excitations, were quite interesting. The second talk was quite theoretical and aimed for experts. At the end, only the group members of Prof. Lee joined. So, I decided to be relaxed and explain everything in detailed manner, giving everyone enough time to think about it and ask questions. Because the topic was directly related to the problems that they are trying to solve (or they suffered enough from them), there were lots of questions. I enjoyed this part because I felt it was like a good old time when we had a group meeting together.

During free time, I enjoyed talking about life, etc. with some people. We also had nice group dinner together, and I was taken out for drinks by my old friend in the evening. It all reminded me of the time I spent at POSTECH, where I stayed nearly 10 years for my bachelor and PhD studies and I haven’t visited since the graduation. I felt quite nostelgic everytime because I know every corner of the campus and the city, but I also noticed lots of changes here and there.

POSTECH student residence

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